The Everygirl’s “Spring-Clean Your Life in 30 Days” Challenge – The Everygirl

April means spring cleaning: when you change the pillows, flip the mattress, and deep clean your bathtub. It’s that magical time of year to reassess what needs to go and reorganize what’s staying. But this challenge is not just about cleaning your home; it’s about cleaning your life. The trees have shed their leaves and are growing brand new buds, so why shouldn’t we?
Yes, “detox” and “cleanse” are buzzwords that have become associated with diets and clean eating. But I’d like to reclaim those terms to be less about juicing and mean what they’re supposed to: removing anything that isn’t serving you and replacing it with alternatives that support your wellbeing.
Cleansing your life isn’t just about detoxing the habits, practices, and clutter that don’t make you feel like your best self; it’s just as much about replenishing with whatever makes you happy, healthy, and whole. The purpose of this cleanse is to gain awareness about how your daily habits and environment are affecting you, so that you can make room for your best possible life.
Maybe you’re always ready for a good life detox, or maybe the last year requires some extra cleansing, but either way, this challenge is intended to help you reevaluate what’s not serving you. For every day in April, you’ll be challenged to simplify, cleanse, de-stress, and clean out your home, bank account, mind, and body, so that you’ll be that much closer to your best, happiest self come May. Happy spring cleaning!
Week 1
1: Simplify your diet by opting for whole foods
2: Reevaluate finances: eliminate the expenses that don’t bring you joy and budget for expenses that do
3: Replace any exercise you don’t enjoy with workouts that you’ll look forward to
4: Reorganize your pantry: toss out what’s old and get storage containers for easier access (and more sustainable living!)
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Week 2
5: Notice emotions and record the ones that aren’t serving you (without judgment)
6: Clean your shower while you’re in it
7: Don’t complain once all day
8: Evaluate recurring charges on your bank statements and cancel what you don’t use on a regular basis
9: Detox your social media by unfollowing every account that does not inspire you or make you happy
10: Clean out your closet and donate clothes that no longer spark joy
11: Stick to a sleep schedule by waking up and going to bed around the same time every night
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Week 3
12: Make an action plan when negative emotions like stress, loneliness, or anger come up
13: Organize your junk drawer (finally!)
14: Meal prep all of your lunches for the next week
15: Practice journaling to help the mind let go of whatever it’s holding onto
16: Clean out contacts, documents on your computer, and pictures on your phone by deleting what you no longer need
17: Make your bed first thing in the morning
18: Overhaul your relationships: make a list of the people you come in contact with the most, and then make sure they’re all people you would want to be like and people who make you feel good
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Week 4
19: Limit light in the evenings for better sleep
20: Get sweaty, whether it’s a cardio class or a steam shower
21: Deep clean one room in your home
22: Reassess your schedule to replace wasted time with activities that will make you happier or calmer
23: Clean out your skincare and makeup by tossing anything that’s expired. Replace with non-toxic alternatives
24: Designate a tech-free space in your home
25: Buy some indoor plants that purify the air
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Week 5
26: Come up with a go-to outfit formula to limit decision making in the mornings
27: Track your water intake to make sure you’re hydrated enough
28: Forgive the people you haven’t forgiven yet (including yourself)
29: Make a list of your 10 most common stressors and come up with solutions to solve each one
30: Detox your habits: evaluate the ones that are not serving you and replace with habits that will
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